
The Parlor...

Hello, my name is Daniel Bailey. Welcome to Mystery South, my virtual Southern plantation. I am a Southern-born author, and Mystery South is the web home for my writing, mysteries and suspense thrillers, set in the South. JUSTICE BETRAYED and EXECUTE THE OFFICE are now available from Silver Dagger Mysteries.

If you are a fan of mysteries or suspense thrillers, I believe you will enjoy peeking into the closets and wandering the halls of Mystery South. If you watch out for the cobwebs and the shadowy corners along the way, you will find links to other mystery authors, mystery groups and associations, conferences for mystery writers and fans, and most importantly how you can order great mysteries written by very talented writers.

In my study are my notes on "birthin" the new novel, and on a nearby shelf you can find the first chapter of my first novel, JUSTICE BETRAYED. Read and enjoy, and if you're intrigued, look for my books in a bookstore near you. Meanwhile, you can stroll into my library, where you will find links to order both of my books and other intriguing Silver Dagger Mysteries. Read them all. You'll be glad you did.

One last thing before I return to my writing. Enjoy your visit to Mystery South, but remember: Watch out for the butler-you just never know.


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